Bahotaa karam likhiaa naa(n) jaa-e

Vaddaa daataa til naa(n) tamaee

Kete manghe(n) jodh apaar

Ketiaa ganat nahee(n) veechaar

Kete khap tuthe(n) vekaar

Kete lai lai mukar paahe(n)

Ketiaa moorakh khahee khahe(n)

Ketiaa dookh bhookh sad maar

Eh bhe daat teree dataar

Band khalaasee bhaanai hoe

Hor aakh naa(n) sakai koe

Je ko khaaik aakhan paae

O jaanai jeteea mohe khaae

Aape jaanai aape de

Aakhai(n) se bhe ke-ee ke

Jisno bakhshe sifat saalaah

Naanak paatshaahee paatshaaho



His Blessings are so abundant, there can be no written account of them

The Great Giver does not hold back anything

So many great, heroic warriors beg at the door of the Infinite Lord

So many contemplate and dwell upon Him, that they cannot be counted

So many waste away to death engaged in corruption

So many take and take again, and then deny receiving

So many foolish consumers keep on consuming

So many endure distress, deprivation, and constant abuse

Even these are Your Gifts, O Great Giver!

Liberation from bondage comes only by your will

No one else has any say in this

If some fool should presume to say that he does, he shall learn, and feel the effects of his folly

He Himself knows, He Himself gives

Few, very few are those who acknowledge this

One who is blessed to sing the Praises of the Lord, O Nanak, is the king of kings


Bahotaa Karam is the 25th pauir of the Japji. It brings prosperity and clears karma. It can rewrite your destiny. It is said that even if your destiny is poverty this mantra can make you prosperous.

It is recommended to chant it 25 times a day to ensure prosperity for you and your generations to come.