This module will focus on yogic tools to help you thrive in motherhood. It is important as mothers that we feel equipped to take care of ourselves at any stage. We all know the saying: “If mamma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”. This statement carries so much truth to it. We now know that the mothers nervous system helps to regulate that of the infant and child, so it is only logical that when focusing on your needs as a mother, your whole family benefits. This is of course often easier said than done. As mothers we are quite busy and in demand—so how do we approach this “self care” from a reasonable, efficient and still deeply nourishing place?

This is what we will focus on over the course of the next three weeks, and we will go over self care for every stage of motherhood (from postpartum, the first 40 days + in living motherhood every day).

You will receive tips and practices to help you and your child to the best possible start in life + how to arrange yourself so that you feel supported. When we give mothers a reasonable and supported start to life as a mother, we can help prevent burnout, “baby blues” and postpartum depression.

We know that having a strong yogic practice helps us feel good and balanced, both physically, mentally and spiritually. But as mothers our time might be limited and our practice often needs to transform, as our lives evolve. This module covers those practices that quickly build your nervous system strength, and ensure mental health and wellbeing as a mother.

Finally, we will talk about raising the child, which as we know really happens in the womb, but what about when the child is born and as they grow? There are plenty of advice and perspective on this found in the yogic teachings. Thes practices helps you as a parent to help your child connect to their destiny. That is essentially what we want to do as conscious mother and supporters of our children: to help our children reach their destiny.

This workshop was taught on December 4, 2022.

This workshop was taught on December 11, 2022.

This workshop was taught on December 18, 2022.

This workshop was taught on December 20, 2022.

“If you want to give your son or your daughter strength, the only thing you can give them is your experience as divine. They can look to you as divine—the feeling, the urge, the reality.”

“A child is born to you to help him face his karma in this life. A child is not your ego; not a pet dog in the house; not a substitute for love. A child has nothing to do with that. A child is born to you so that you can prepare him to face time unto Infinity.”

—Yogi Bhajan