Before starting this practice please take a moment to “tune in” by saying 3x

“ Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo “

with the hands in font of the heart in prayer

Learn more about Tuning In HERE

Bowing Jaap Sahib explained and practiced for 31 minutes in this video:


  • Posture: Sit on the heels, with hands on thighs.

    Mantra: Recite or listen to the Jaap Sahib.

    Movement: Begin bowing the forehead to the floor to the following rhythm:

    Bowing 4 counts, resting 1 with the music. (Consider one cycle of touching the forehead to the floor and rising as 1 count.)

    Alternative Mudra: This can also be done with the arms and hands in Yoga Mudra. The hands interlaced at the base of the spine, palms facing up. Arms would stretch up as high as possible when the forehead touches the ground.

  • Continue for the entire recitation of the Jaap Sahib mantra (or how ever long you feel—8min, 11mi, 22min et.)

  • Find a version of the Jaap Sahib mantra here (first track of album).


    Bowing Jaap Sahib gives courage, strength and grace.

    It is an excellent practice for when you are going through hard times, transitions or when yo need the strength and courage to face your reality with grace.

    This practice opens up the third eye and strengthens the Radiant Body (learn more about the Ten Bodies here).