Before starting this practice please take a moment to “tune in” by saying 3x “ Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo “ with the hands in font of the heart in prayer. Learn more about Tuning In HERE

FULL PRACTICE: Do this set every day for a week + write down your self assessments (see details below)

“One week, homework can change your life for a longtime for the positive.”



    Bring the left leg to 60 degrees and shake the leg, while relaxing the rest of your body.

    Done in class for 9min 18sec. After YB instructed to do 3 min on each side, and 3 min both legs together

    Lie down flat. Hurry up, we are doing a very subtle exercise, you will be surprised to do that. Okay, take your left leg up, not all the way up, sixty degree and shake it just like as you shake your hand and shake it really good and relax rest of the body.

    Put your other leg straight and relax and don't worry and just shake it, like a fever shivering shake.

    Today is the only day, when it will be all dedicated to shaking. You know how painful is, when you shake in your words, you shake on your promises, you shake on your dedication, you shake on your commitment, are you learning?

    You are totally reorganizing the stimulation of every gland in the body and when your chest will start hurting, you have just reached the lymph area. All spleen, liver and all this, when you are hurting right now, it is you are dealing only with liver, that is a start, you are not doing a thing and not a little shake, I want a real shake. Go crazy.

    Don't put your hands under the head, put yourself, don't give your body any support. No support, go through it.


    Change side, now shake the right leg while the rest of the body relaxes.

    Done in class for 2min 22sec. After YB instructed to do 3 min in each side, and 3 min both legs together.

    Change legs and shake really hard to compensate the pain of the other. Now the other one has to be done physically very hard, harder than the first, first was normal. This has to be done really intense.

    Shake your leg and please don't bent it, just shake it, try to understand we are achieving something, God.


    Both legs are at 60 degrees and shaking.

    Done for in class 2min 48sec. After YB instructed to do 3 min in each side, and 3 min both legs together

    All right, very good, put both of them out and shake them.

    Come on now, sixty degree and please shake them, really go, go irrational. Shake both please, really good, shake them together.



    Sit up and bring the arms up, and shake only the hands and the wrists. Close the eyes and meditate deeply. Concentrate on the pineal gland

    Done for 8min 3sec in class. After YB instructed to do this exercise for 9 min, and then listen to the tape for 9 min in meditation.

    After 1min the tape begins to play.

    All right, sit up... Sit up and put your heads on the top, straight up. Up, hands up, hands up, have I to get a police here to make your hands up? And close your eyes and meditate really deep and shake your hands, only the wrist and the hand nothing else and put the tape on son and listen to this tape, we made out of that day's class. Close your eyes and concentrate on the pineal please.


    Put your hand in the lap now, close your eyes, meditate, breathe long and deep.

    Done for 9min 3sec in class. After YB instructed to meditate and listen to the tape for 9 min, after finishing the 4 precious exercises.


    Inhale deep and hold. Please hold the breath tight, sit straight, meditate. Now be ready to let it go like a cannon fire understand,

    let it go and let it go all the way out and hold it out.

    Hold it out and pull the navel in, hold it out, pull the navel in, pull the navel in, hold it out and pull the navel in, pull the navel in, pull the navel in.

    Inhale. Relax.


    Today is the only day, when it will be all dedicated to shaking. You know how painful is, when you shake in your words, you shake on your promises, you shake on your dedication, you shake on your commitment, are you learning?

    You are totally reorganizing the stimulation of every gland in the body and when your chest will start hurting, you have just reached the lymph area. All spleen, liver and all this, when you are hurting right now, it is you are dealing only with liver, that is a start, you are not doing a thing and not a little shake, I want a real shake. Go crazy.


    Continue doing this set for one week under the following conditions:

    Left leg, 3min. Right leg 3min. Both legs, 3min. Sit up hands shake, 9min. Listen to the tape and meditate, 9min.

    During the one week, everyday after the exercise in the morning, write down the time + how you feel. And at night before going to the bed, assess the day and write underneath the time.

    Suppose you did this exercise eleven a.m. and you went to bed nine p.m. write both the time before sleeping and before finishing the exercise how you feel. One week, homework can change your life for a longtime for the positive. Thank you.