Before starting this practice please take a moment to “tune in” by saying 3x

“ Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo “

with the hands in font of the heart in prayer

Learn more about Tuning In HERE


  • POSTURE: Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light neck lock.

    MUDRA: Keep the spine straight. Let the arms extend straight and rest over the knees. Make Buddhi Mudra with both hands by touching the thumb tips to the tips of the little fingers. The other fingers are relaxed but straight. Become completely still—physically and mentally.

    MANTRA: Chant the sa re sa sa mantra (see next slide). If using a track, listen to the chant for a minute., then begin chanting along.

    TIME: Continue for 11-31 minutes.

  • Sa re sa sa sa re sa sa sa re sa sa sa rang

    Har ray har har har ray har har har ray har har har rang.

    Learn more about this mantra here.


    Antar Naad Mudra is the meditation that opens you up to the full effect and knowledge of any other mantra. It is said that those who practices this meditation is granted prosperity, creativity, and protection against attacks, and that it gives power to your words and brings good luck.

    It is claimed that those seeking mastery in mantra were once required to master this before taking on any other mantra practice.

    Sa means the Infinite, the totality, God. It is the element of ether. It initiates and contains all other effects. Har is the creativity of the Earth. It is the dense element. It is the power of manifestation, the tangible, the personal. These sounds are woven together, and then projected through the sound of Ang—complete totality.

    This meditation is also called Kabadshe Meditation.