DAY 1 — JANUARY 15, 2023


Join Nam Satya for the morning session on the first day of The DEEPER STUDIES Course. In the first half of this video, Nam Satya will introduce the course, our theme for the first module, and share a vigorous kundalini yoga practice for new beginnings and to remove body blocks. After a 15 minutes break we are back with a lecture about Sadhana, what keeps one motivated and we will have a brief introduction of each course participant.

Note: Unfortunately the video recording cut, and not all the participant’s introductions could be recovered. If your introduction got removed, feel free to introduce yourself again in the group, or show up for our Q&A call to meet some of the other participants in the course.


The afternoon session video starts with a lecture by Yogi Bhajan, about Sadhana, preparing for the future with Kundalini Yoga and general teachings for staying motivated on the path.

At 56:10 Benyamin Arno is sharing a lecture about Sadhana, going into details on cold showers, how to structure your daily practice, and how to teach the Aquarian Sadhana. Benyamin shares a brief practice of Breath of Fire and goes over the Saraban Dhande kriya.

At 2:30:40 Nam Satya is back, ending the day with a breakdown of our suggested daily Sadhana for the DEEPER STUDIES Course + a meditation to Build Intuition and practice of our daily course meditation, The Har Prosperity kriya.


Become clear about your “transactional power” and how to use it to have a bigger experience in life, in this additional evening session with Nam Satya. Meditate on the mantra Ajai Alai, and go into a Self Psychology exercise to gain clarity around your strengths and what is blocking you from reaching a higher level of success in life.

DAY 2 — JANUARY 22, 2023

In this class Nam Satya is giving a lecture about how to manage your energy budget and why Sadhana is not another tool to make you feel guilty. How do we create a more holistic experience of life, and how do we navigate the subconscious mind? Those are the themes for this class, and we will be doing practices which support that.


Join us for an evening call with Nam Satya where we talk about Sadhana, answer questions and check in with the group.

DAY 3 — JANUARY 29, 2023

In this class Nam Satya talks about those practices found in the kundalini system that we do in community. Learn about the backgrounds of White Tantric yoga and how practicing as a group work. We will do an invigorating yoga set for the glandular system and a meditation to expand the self.