I am thrilled that you’re here, that you have taken the leap to commit (or recommit) to Kundalini Yoga, and the wonderful technology and practice it is.

My intension with the DEEPER STUDIES course is to bring you closer to yourself—your soul, your Sat Nam—and that by living more intune with your authentic and soulful self, you will live out your mission in life and inspire others that you meet to do the same.

Sharing these teachings does not look only like teaching in a formal setting—some of the most inspiring Kundalini Yoga teachers I know are not ones that sit every day on a stage in a studio, but are those who live the practice and therefore exude the wisdom and knowledge, and a very particular energy field that this practice will give a dedicated student.

I’ve said it again (and I will keep repeating it) you become a great teacher by being an excellent student. We do need teachers, and I deeply encourage anyone who feel the call to have the courage to step forward and take the mantel (it is up for grabs!). Being a “kundalini yogi“ (if you even feel called to label yourself as that) does not have to look a certain way though. This journey is about your exploration of yourself. I’m happy to be here to guide and serve.

And with these words I welcome you to DEEPER STUDIES 2024! Let’s begin…

Sat Nam & Love,



Use the menu at the top of each page to find your way around the portal.

Throughout the course I will be sending you updates via email, mainly on Fridays, Mondays and reminder emails before each event takes place.

If you find glitches or something isn’t working on the portal I would be very happy to receive your notice. We’re doing our best to ensure a good user experience of the online space, but we’re a small team, so any info and feedback is always greatly appreciated.

Explore the portal…

RESOURCES—Here you will find a list of material for selfstudy. None of these sources are required in order to do the course, but they are great for supplemental or continuous study.

MODULE 1—Module 1 overview, info and schedule. The replays will be uploaded here after the end of each live session.

PRE COURSE SESSIONS—In February I taught two pre course sessions that you can enjoy on this page.

THE COURSE MANUAL—The first two chapters of the manual is now available. More will be released as the course progresses.

THE DAILY PRACTICE—A suggested daily practice put together by me. You can also continue your own daily practice or find additional kriyas and meditation through the Kriya & Meditation Library (opening very soon)


We have two DEEPER STUDIES WhatsApp groups this year: the open one with all past and current DEEPER STUDIES participants + a closed group just for us who are joining this years course.

Why two? I want to keep the community growing—it’s been such a wonderful resource to have access to a network of teachers, to ask questions, connect, share the wins etc. But we need a group where we can form a more intimate bond during the training + where I can easily share links, and give immediate course updates. To me it was important to have both. You’re welcome to join both groups, one of them, or none of them—up to you.