Spinal Twist Variation. Sit in Easy Pose and interlock the hand behind the neck at the hairline. Holding the upper arms parallel to the ground, inhale and twist to the left, exhale and twist to the right. Continue at a medium pace for 3 minutes.


    Yoga Mudra. Sit in Easy Pose with hands interlocked at the base of the spine. Begin Breath of Fire, alternating between this posture and Yoga Mudra for 2 minutes. Move in a steady pace in coordination with the breath.


    Come up into Back Platform Pose with the head dropped back. Then lower the buttocks to the floor and bring the head straight, in line with the spine. Create a steady rhythm alternating between these two positions with Breath of Fire for

    1 to 1,5 minutes.

    —This exercise increases the strength and flexibility of the pelvic area and releases the pelvis if it is locked.


    Squat in Crow Pose and extend the hands straight in front parallel to the floor with the palms facing down. Inhale and stand up, exhale and squat down. Repeat the cycle 26 times.


    Front Bends. Stand up with legs shoulder width apart. Extend arms above the head palms facing forward. Inhale and stretch back as far as possible. Exhale and bend forward to touch the floor. Repeat the cycle 26 times.


    Side Stretch Stand up straight and extend the arms above the head. Inhale and bend to the left, then exhale and bend to the right. Repeat the cycle 26 times. Then relax the arms.


    Rhythmic Kick. Remain standing. Place the hands on the waist and kick alternate legs forward keeping the legs straight. With each kick chant HAR placing the tip of the tongue on the palate on the "r" sound. Kick rapidly once per second for 3 minutes.

    The ‘Tantric Har’ track works well with this.


    Meditation for the Tenth Gate: To Experience Your Boundlessness. Sit in Easy Pose with the spine pulled up straight, chin pressed down lightly. Place the hands in the lap, palms facing up, right palm resting in the left, pads of the thumbs touching. Focus the eyes upward, guiding the attention to the top center of the head, the Tenth Gate (Crown Chakra).

    Mentally say the mantra HAR HAR as you pull the Navel Point in. Then, holding the navel in, press the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth and mentally say the word MUKANDAY.

    Concentrate deeply and immerse yourself in this meditation to experience the radiance of the Sahasrara. Experience your boundlessness. Feel yourself expand beyond time, beyond space, into a realm of total peace and joy.

    TIME: Continue for 11-31 minutes.


    To reach the subtle realm of ether where we are by nature boundless, we must first set a firm foundation on earth. Practicing this kriya— which works primarily on the pelvic region—is a means of setting that foundation. Then the meditation launches you into the realms of Infinity.

    Physiologically the pelvis acts as a foundation, the point of balance for the torso and the lower foundation on earth. The female pelvis is especially delicate, because the bones aren't fused together, and are therefore easily misaligned. Chronic misalignment, tension and inflexibility will eventually show their effects on physical and emotional well being through sciatica and menstrual irregularities, and in men, such conditions as impotency.