Before starting this practice please take a moment to “tune in” by saying 3x

“ Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo “

with the hands in font of the heart in prayer

Learn more about Tuning In HERE


  • PART 1 (OF 3)

    POSTURE: Sit in Easy Pose.

    MUDRA: Raise the forearm of the right hand as if you were taking an oath. The right hand faces forward at the level of the ear. With the left hand, gently cover the Navel Point. Become a statue.

    EYES: The eyes are closed.

    BREATH AND FOCUS: Slowly allow your breath to become a little longer, deeper and cooler. By allowing this to happen, you will change your metabolism and your nervous system, and you will be totally different. Focus on the breath—take it as deep as you can. Don’t move except to breathe long and deep. Take the pranic energy down to the last cell of the lungs.

    TO END: Relax out of the posture.

    TIME: 8 minutes

  • COMMENTS: Just be you. Be you—calm, quiet, graceful, clean, gracious and self-serving. Be you and be selfish for your own purity and piety. All we want is the result. We’re not trying to find diamonds or gold. We are finding something more precious than that—Self. Find your Self. Find “me” within me.

    The Navel Point is the one point in the body that is a point of purity. You survived in your mother because of that point. Here, you touch that point with the left hand and extend the fingers of the right hand up like antenna—they are enough to get all the energy of Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mercury. This posture, in combination with your id, the thumb, will make the connection so that the heavens and the earth—the heavenly father and Mother Nature—are in combination. Together they are willing to purify you if you ask for it. Technically speaking, the calmer you sit, the deeper you breathe, the more you will experience a change you have never felt before. Think only of your Self and the breath. Let the breath of life enrich you. Let it give you a place within yourself where you can see your God—which is keeping you alive. Your soul needs food. It is hungry and it needs you to feed it. The soul’s diet is the prana that comes through the air to enrich you from the inside out. Reach for a moment of happiness. Happiness is when you happily do something. Otherwise, life is a painful curse.

  • PART 2 (OF 3)

    POSTURE: Continue sitting in Easy Pose.

    MUDRA: Bring the hands to the level of the Heart Center. Press the thumb tips and fingertips together, keeping the palms apart. Spread the fingers wide apart and point the thumbs toward the sternum.

    BREATH: Whistle with the Ardas Bhaee chant.

    TIME: 4 ½ minutes

    TO END: Inhale deeply and suspend the breath for 15 seconds. Meditate on the thought that you are pure; you are perfect; you are the will of God; you are divine. Exhale. Inhale again and suspend the breath for 15 seconds and create that image of yourself. Exhale. Inhale a third time and hold the breath tight for 15 seconds. Imagine you are a very, very pure person. Purity, piety, grace, bliss—include them all. Exhale.

  • PART 3 (OF 3)

    POSTURE: Immediately extend the arms straight out to each side at shoulder level, parallel to the ground, with the right palm facing up and the left palm facing down. Keep the arms and hands straight. You may feel a twist in the right elbow. This is a healing posture to be done very exactly.

    BREATH: Inhale deeply and suspend the breath for 25 seconds. Close your eyes and feel the heavens and earth are joining within you. Concentrate on your left side and your right side uniting in oneness. Keep the hands straight like an arrow. Cannon fire out through the mouth. Inhale deeply again. Hold tight for 25 seconds. Give yourself a chance to heal yourself totally—in balance with the Universe. In the divine kingdom, be divine. Cannon fire out. Inhale again. Hold tight for 25 seconds. With great kindness to your Self consider, “It is me and my purity that will give me health, wealth and happiness.” Call on it. Exhale and relax.

    TIME: 2 minutes


    Yogi Bhajan suggested that you could practice this kriya for up to 62 minutes by dividing the time equally among the three parts. If you extend the times, don’t extend them proportionately, practice each part equally.

    You have unlimited reserve energy. When you invoke your energy, there’s nothing that is small in you and all the environments start flying towards you. It’s beautiful. It is a way of life. Become a human. Find your Self within yourself and then see what comes to you. That’s my challenge to you. Just be yourself with everybody. Say, “Hello. Thank you. Can I do something for you?” That’s all it is.”