COMMENTS: Just be you. Be you—calm, quiet, graceful, clean, gracious and self-serving. Be you and be selfish for your own purity and piety. All we want is the result. We’re not trying to find diamonds or gold. We are finding something more precious than that—Self. Find your Self. Find “me” within me.
The Navel Point is the one point in the body that is a point of purity. You survived in your mother because of that point. Here, you touch that point with the left hand and extend the fingers of the right hand up like antenna—they are enough to get all the energy of Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mercury. This posture, in combination with your id, the thumb, will make the connection so that the heavens and the earth—the heavenly father and Mother Nature—are in combination. Together they are willing to purify you if you ask for it. Technically speaking, the calmer you sit, the deeper you breathe, the more you will experience a change you have never felt before. Think only of your Self and the breath. Let the breath of life enrich you. Let it give you a place within yourself where you can see your God—which is keeping you alive. Your soul needs food. It is hungry and it needs you to feed it. The soul’s diet is the prana that comes through the air to enrich you from the inside out. Reach for a moment of happiness. Happiness is when you happily do something. Otherwise, life is a painful curse.