In Easy Pose, hands in Gyan Mudra, raise left arm 60° up and hold with long deep breathing for 2 minutes. Then switch arms and repeat.
Release arms down and meditate at the 10th Gate (the crown chakra at the top of the head) for 3 minutes.
Arms out to sides, palms up, hold with Breath of Fire for 3 minutes and then relax.
Perform 15 Frogs: Heels together and raised, fingertips on floor between knees, head raised, inhale and straighten knees, lifting buttocks while dropping head to knees, arms and legs straight, hands and feet remaining in place. Inhale up and exhale down.
Inhale, hold your breath for 10 seconds, and exhale.
In Rock Pose, lie back on the heels with long, deep breathing, pulling Mulbhand on each exhale for 3 minutes.
Standing, rise up on tiptoes and straighten arms overhead, fingers entwined in inverted Venus Lock, palms facing ceiling. Hold with long deep breathing for 3 minutes.
Do this set to get in a good mood.