You’ve probably heard this one before: We’re moving out of an era  where the ultimate power you could have was knowledge. But what does that mean?

Knowledge, and access to knowledge—and the hierarchy of who had access—was used to control people. Knowledge was a currency and the more knowledgeable you were, the more status you had. 

Knowledge was also imposed on people in the form of moralization. “This is right to do, and this is wrong”. Having knowledge of, and being told what was right and wrong was a big part of the way humanity operated and navigated in the Piscean age (0 A.D. to 2012). That absolutely served a purpose and it assisted us in moving out of the Age of Aries, which was more about physical power and aggression as a way to gain influence (you can research history from around 2000 BC to 0 BC to understand more about the values of The Age of Aries). In order to “correct” this type of behavior, moralization had to be installed into the population so that people would start behaving in a more socially conscious way. Human life increased in value, and values of mercy and forgiveness (rather that cold blooded revenge) made an impasse. 

Now we’re moving into the Age of Aquarius. We’re actually already in it as the shift happened in 2012 but as each age is about 2000 years long we are still at the very beginning. A lot of us felt this shift happening in 2012 as a sort of “awakening”. All of humanity can attest that things have drastically changed since then, and our lives and how we work and operate is completely different.

The Age of Aquarius is about experiencing, and we see that show up on a large scale now by first of all a decrease in moralization. Nobody can tell another person what is “normal” anymore (everything is normal). Nobody can tell another person what they should do anymore (freedom of own choice). And if anyone tries they will experience a pushback. Because moralization is now a thing of the past. “Being told” carries very little weight—what matters is the personal experience. 

This shift is causing some confusing across the board, and we can see powers at play that are still operating under the old terms experience great resistance and push back—which results in them really trying to tighten their grip as to not loose any more power. Nature and the age does not support this type of behavior though, and as we make our way further into the Age of Aquarius things will have to change—new powers might emerge, or old forces get more “creative”, but we can lean on and trust that things will have to change for sure.

On a more personal level, how do we navigate life now if nobody tells us which way is the right one to go? Influence isn’t lost—we’re social animals after all—but this way of navigating “right versus wrong” just isn’t being absorbed by somebody telling you what to do. What influences now is living as a possibility for others. We are drawn to those who have experienced something that we can use for our own transformation. Or someone who is adapt at setting up a frame within which we can create our own learning experience, and develop our own inner compass. 

Rather than directly telling someone what to do or “this is right, this is wrong”, interpretation of stories has become important. If we want to teach our children right and wrong we need to help them form their own decision making process. Anyone imposing knowledge on us in this day and age will experience backlash—it’s just not the time for that. So we need to find new ways of instilling values and moral compass. Sharing stories about other people’s experiences can be a way to help form our children’s minds so that they can rely on a pattern of an experience when they themselves encounter it. 

An important thing to remember is that, wrong action and right action isn’t gone in the Aquarian Age—but they way it is being revealed to us has changed. The Piscean model was in many ways much more direct as it would simply say (moralize) when someone made a mistake, and oral and social guidelines were put in place for people to follow. It was socially acceptable to do so, but it also came at a great cost as the lower qualities of moralization come with oppression, and people of power exploiting their position as being the “holders of the truth”. 

In the Aquarian Age, right and wrong is being revealed through your experience. That doesn’t mean that you are left to float around in the sea of the unknown—but it calls for a newfound responsibility, of being able to interpretate your experiences, and distill for yourself what is right and wrong. 

Having that compass firmly installed and operating is crucial because nobody is going to tell you anymore if you’re running with 200km/h in the wrong direction. And you can’t tell someone either because you are robbing them of their own experience—and experience is the currency of this age. 

Installing an inner compass that works, is what Kundalini Yoga is all about. Your inner knowing is enhanced by developing your intuition, your self-sensory system and by removing “distractions”— subconscious thought patterns, body malfunctions, brain fog etc.—and establishing a daily practice of Kundalini Yoga is probably your best bet to navigate the currents and waves of this time.

See my schedule for weekly classes here. See all courses here.


