SPRING EQUINOX: The most important day of your life is here.
Okay, we don’t have to be so dramatic about it, but actually that’s a yogic teaching.
The Equinoxes (especially the spring one—I’ll tell you why later) are major opportunities for taking jumps. Basically the heightened energy of the day wants to come through and reach you. It is looking for you. And if you position yourself right, it can carry you through the rest of the year (at least that’s been my experience).
Now what does it mean on a personal level? Attention changes an outcome, and consciousness change us even on the very molecular level (that’s just basic quantum physics). When you get very focused, and concentrate on an objective or goal (and that goal can literally be anything you want it to be: more relaxed, less stress, pulling in a million dollars… whatever it might be…) you create a magnetic stream that starts to pull the thing towards you. Now it might take time for the circumstances to align in the right way, but trust me, the work has begun and the universe is conspiring in your favor, always.
That’s the opportunity we always have, and we just have to start working with our goals, and become fit vessels for them to unfold in our life.
With a day like the spring equinox, as I was saying, the energy is looking for you in a different way than usual. There’s a major opportunity for being swept by the winds of the time, and create a wave of energy that can see you through all the way until the next equinox.
How do I know? Because I’ve seen it and experienced it time and time again. And a little effort goes a long way. If you consider yourself a yogi, you know not to miss out on the opportunities these days bring.
The Spring Equinox is extra favorable as the energy builds up (and reaches it’s peak at the Summer Solstice), simply because we experience an increase in sun energy, which is more vital, and energizing than the moon energy (from fall equinox until spring equinox we have longer nights and therefore a greater amount of moon energy available). Sun is outward flowing energy, and gets us moving. A perfect time to accomplish your goals, because you have the extra energy available (and if you live in the southern hemisphere, its reversed, now will be the moment to start going into the energy of the moon, which is more analytical, strategical and mind oriented).
Regardless of how you decide to spend this day (which is tomorrow, March 20th btw), I encourage you to take a moment to call in the energy of the Sun, allow it to move into your body, and take away some of the stagnant winter chill. Ask it to help you as you realize your goals and potential. We all have something incredible valuable that we came here to the planet to deliver, and the world would be missing out if you did not feel encouraged to live out that purpose. You’re here for a special reason, only you can know what is. Allow yourself to be open for the insights. And I hope with all my heart that you will enjoy the journey—that’s the most important of all.
When we look at it this way, I hope you will see the Spring Equinox as an opportunity to take away some of the pressure, and instead get into the flow where you trust, and feel that you are on the right path in life. That’s very magnetic. The Spring Equinox always gives me a great trust that I am here for a reason, that I will deliver, and that the whole universe is conspiring for my greatest good.
CLEANSING—Wednesday, March 20th is not only the Spring Equinox but also the 11th day of the Moon. It is very favorable to fast or eat light on that day, as a specific glandular secretion is taking place, which can advance your healing and bodily health. A green diet (simply eat only things that are naturally green) is also very beneficial.
MOTIVATION—I use enterteinment a lot for motivation (anyone else?) We watch stuff to relax anyways, and by shifting by feeling from one of "i’m wasting time” or feeling guilty to "what can I learn from what I’m watching?”, I get a lot about myself and the world, through the joy of entertainment (don’t worry if you don’t know what I’m talking about, there’s a whole podcast in the making about this subject—stay tuned).
For this Spring Equinox it’s of course Dune Part Two that has been the greatest inspiration for unlocking super human (or as my teacher called it human human) potential. I’m not saying I am a super human (yet), but I’m curious to see what we can do as humans, how much of our mental potential we can unlock and how far we can take ourselves. That’s what Dune is essentially about. Major 5 star review from me.
INSPIRATION—I’m a daily “Pinterester” and I love creating moodboards. Here’s my latest one for the Spring Equinox.
ALIGNMENT—Gotta get those visions and ideas down on paper or hanging on my walls. What I’ve been “seeding” on the Winter Solstice is starting to take shape as a real plan for the future, especially the coming year. Around the Spring Equinox it’s important for me to get concrete with my plans, and solidify my direction for the rest of the year. If you need help getting clear on your plans see here for my alignment courses (3 part workshop series) HOW TO FIND YOUR MISSION and DESTINY ACCELERATOR—they’re still 50% off until Friday, March 22.
Wishing you all a blessed Spring Equinox!
Sat Nam & Love,